Thursday, March 10, 2011

3 weeks in

So I've had my braces for 3 weeks tomorrow and so far it has been pretty uneventful.

For the first week I was off work anyway on holiday so I didn't really have to do much talking and I could eat and brush my teeth whenever I wanted. I think my back teeth felt the most sore and I couldn't really bit together properly or chew anything. Good job mashed potato is one of my most favourite foods ever!

The second week I was back at work (teaching) and my braces caused less of a reaction from the students than anticipated. Mostly they were just curious..... one student from a lower ability group just wanted to know "how they got in there" as if braces were caused by some sort of magic that occurred in the night! I did find however that having to talk pretty much non stop all day caused some areas to rub. It isn't the brackets themselves but the longer stretches of wire between the brackets on my molars that cut into my cheeks. I'm sure I didn't have this problem first time round, but I figure as the damon brackets are supposed to be smaller and more discrete that leaves longer lengths of wire exposed between them. For me this seems to be a major pitfall in terms of comfort.

This week my cheeks seem to have toughened up a bit but the longer expanses of wire are still having somewhat of a cheese wire effect! I haven't really noticed much movement in my teeth. I tried to take some pictures to see if I could see any tiny differences but I found it really difficult to take them from the same angle and distance as last time, so I can't really tell. I guess it's probably too early anyway.

Upper arch

Lower arch

Anyway how do you guys take your pictures so they are from the same viewpoint each time?